Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Samuel Convers (1)
    Born: 12 MAR 1637 in Baptized in the First Church, Charlestown, MA (2)
Married: 08 JUN 1660 (11)
Died: 20 FEB 1669 (3)  "The Verdict of the Jury of Quest on the Death of Samuel Converse. ...Convars was cutting some ice from off the water wheele of teh corne mill and so overreaching with his axe was caught by his coate with some parte of the wheele whereby his coate was rent to the Choller thereoff and that not giving way his head was drawne untill it was sucked in between the water wall and the water wheele. Now as is said he did call to shutt down the wheel but in all probabillitic he received his mortall wound soone after he spake to stop the wheele. We saw much blood in the place whereabouts he was judged to stand, also there was blood upon the snow from the place to his house, as is said he was carried to his house alive and being set in a chair his blood quickly settled within him wholly preventing him from speaking and in about half an hour was dead. We found the back side of his head greatly bruised his nose grizzle as wee think was broken so that the said Convars his head lying as before expressed we judge his death to be by the water wheele of the Corn Mill."
Father: Edward Convers
Mother: Sarah
    Wife: Judith Carter (4)
    Born: (6)
Died: 1677 in Charlestown, MA (7)
Father: Thomas Carter
Mother: Mary Parkhurst
01   (M): Samuel Convers (8)
Born: 04 APR 1662 in Woburn, MA (9)
Died: about 1732 in Thompson Parish, Killingly, CT (10)
Spouses: Dorcas

Additional Information

Judith Carter:
Name: Judith Convers 5


  1., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  2. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  3. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  4. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  5. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  6. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  7. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  8. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  9. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  10. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.
  11. Ibid., Some of the ancestors and descendants of Samuel Converse, Jr. of Thompso.

Surnames | Index

Revised: January 29, 2009