Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: David Gardiner Esq. (1)
    Born: 29 APR 1636 in Mouth of the Conneccticut River, Saybrook (2)
Married: 04 JUN 1657 in London, England (12)
Died: 10 JUL 1689 in Hartford, CT (3)  Had been traveling on business and died very suddenly.
Father: Lion Gardiner
Mother: Mary Willemson
    Wife: Mary Lerringman (5)
    Born: (7)
Died: Unknown (8)
01   (F): Elizabeth Gardiner (9)
Born: (10)
Died: Unknown (11)
Spouses: James Parshall

Additional Information

David Gardiner Esq.:
Education: Educated in London where, he married Mary Lerringman, a widow, of St. Margarets, Westminster.
Buried: 4
Ancient burying ground back of the Congregational Church at Hartford. "here lyeth the body of Mr. David Gardiner of Gardiner's Island Deceased July 10 1689 in the fifty fourth year of his age. Well, sick, dead in one hours space. Engrave the rememberance of death on thy heart when as thow doest see how swiftly hours depart." Located at the corner of Gold and Main St. in hartford.

Mary Lerringman:
Name: Mary Gardiner 6


  1., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  2. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  3. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  4. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  5. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  6. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  7. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  8. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  9. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  10. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  11. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.
  12. Ibid., The history of the Parshall family : from the conquest of England by Will.

Surnames | Index

Revised: January 29, 2009