Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Daniel LaRue
    Born: about 1771
Married: 03 DEC 1804 in Hunterdon, NJ (3)
Died: 07 FEB 1849
Father: Isaac LaRue
Mother: >>>
Spouses: >>>
    Wife: Catherine Wilson
    Born: 1767
Died: 1843

Additional Information

Daniel LaRue:
Buried: 1849, Sandy Ridge Baptist Church
Age 78
Residence: 1
Amwell, Hunterdon Co., NJ in 1832 when will made, later Deleware Twp, Hunterdon Co., NJ.

May 10, 1830 Daniel and wife Catherine sell 135.25 acres in Amwell to Thomas Holcombe being parts of lands James Gano conveyed to Isaac Larowe in May 1791 and which Isaac devised to Daniel by will of 1803.
Baptised: 23 JAN 1819 2
Admitted to full church membership and Baptized.

Birth year calculated from age on tombstone. Aunt Susie could not find the stone.

Anna LaRue refers to him as "White Daniel (LaRue file, Hunterdon Co., Historical Society).

Diltz is probably not Catherine's son since she and Daniel got married in 1804 and he was born in 1799. Dilts is a surname in NJ, so perhaps his mother's maiden name was Dilts.

Much of the information on this page was gotten through correspondance with Middleton.

Uriah LaRue (1794-1854)
Dilts LaRue (1799-1862)
John LaRue
Susan LaRue (1797-1867) m Wm. Hice
Eliza LaRue m Isaac Case

Catherine Wilson:
Name: Catherine LaRue


  1. Deed, v. 50 p. 28.
  2. Dubbs, M. H., LaRue Notebooks of M. H. Dubbs (Unpublished).
  3. Marriage Records, Hunterdon County.

Surnames | Index

Revised: January 29, 2009