Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Donald Terry Secor
    Born: 1906
Married: 16 JUN 1931 in east end of West Prospect St., Hopewell, NJ
Died: 1971 in Oil City, PA
    Wife: Mary Elizabeth LaRue
    Born: 29 SEP 1906 in John Dilts LaRue farm, Sandbrok, NJ
Died: 15 APR 1984 in Oil City, PA
Father: Lester Raymond LaRue
Mother: Susan LaRue

Additional Information

Mary Elizabeth LaRue:
Buried: Highland Cemetery, Hopewell, NJ

See Lester LaRue for residences while a minor.


407 North St., Oili City, PA, 1931
House in Seneca, PA 1932
1005 Grandview Rd., Oil City, PA 1933-


Wertsville Grammer School
Hopewell Grammer School
Hopewell High School
Trenton Conservatory of Music

Occupation: Pianist at Columbia theater, Hopewell, NJ.
Organist at Calvary Baptist Church, Hopewell, NJ.
Assistant Librarian, Oil City Public Library, Oil City, PA

Surnames | Index

Revised: January 29, 2009