Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Abraham Larue
    Born: 1693 in Staten Island, NY, USA (1 2)
Died: 1749/50 (3)
Father: Abraham Larue
Mother: Alche Gerritszen
    Wife: Harmekie
Died: Unknown
01   (F): Catherine Larue
Died: Unknown
Spouses: Peter Rockefeller
02   (M): Isaac Larue
Born: 1727
Died: 15 AUG 1785
Spouses: Jerusha Hyde

Additional Information

Abraham Larue:
Residence: 4 5 6 7
c. 1707 removed from Staten Island with parents to Hopewell Twp., NJ.

On Dec. 26, 1725 Abraham purchased of col. Daniel Coxe 100 acres in Hopewell Twp. In 1739 he purchased an adjoining 21.25 acres. This property was near the present day villiage of Harbourton in Hopewell Twp and was owned by Erricksons in 1975 (1975 leter to Mrs. Errickson). He remained on this property until his death in 1749/1750 at which time the homestead was inherited by his sons Abram and Isaac and his wife Harmekie.
Unknown, perhaps Harbourton since he lived there.

Abraham administered the estate of his brother David who died intestate in 1732. On May 18, 1734 Abraham gave an accounting of David's estate, which was valued at 134 pounds, 75 shillings, and 8 pence. Like his siblings, Abraham received 16 pounds, 6 shillings from the estate plus 3 pounds, 17 shillings for his services at administrater.

Karl Larew says 'These Dutch sounding names -- Harmekie, Altie, Catran -- suggest that the family was still speaking Dutch or had only recently made English their primary tongue.

Mrs. Errickson indicates that the cemetery at Harbourton may have been part of the Abraham Larowe farm and that it may have been a family cemetery originally. Though some later Larowes are buried there, no identifiable stones exist for Abraham, his wife Harmekie or his parents. The burial place of these persons remains unknown. The church at Harbourton was originally Baptist and is presently Missouri Lutheran (Letter from Mrs. Errickson).

Dubbs reports that Abraham, James and Peter "La Ru" (presumably sons of Abraham and Alche) married men, were listed as landowners and taxpayers in Amwell Twp. in 1722. If this information is reliable, then Abraham must have married before 1722. There is one problem, however, we have determined that Abraham was living in Hopewell Twp. from 1725, or before, until his death in 1749/50, nto in Amwell Twp.

Researchers believe that Abraham and Harmekie's sons Jacob and Abraham both went south to Virginia and South Carolina.

Name: Harmekie Larue


  1. Dubbs, M. H., LaRue Notebooks of M. H. Dubbs (Unpublished).
  2. Larew, Karl G., Garret Larew Civil War Soldier (Gateway Press, Baltimore, 1975).
  3. Will, Abraham's Will.
  4. Dubbs, M. H., LaRue Notebooks of M. H. Dubbs (Unpublished).
  5. Larew, Karl G., Garret Larew Civil War Soldier (Gateway Press, Baltimore, 1975).
  6. Deed, Hunterdon County Deeds v. 19, p. 263.
  7. Will, Abraham's Will.

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Revised: January 29, 2009