Secor Family Genealogy: Exploring Our Ancestry

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 Husband: Joseph Parsons
    Born: 1618 in Great Torrington (?), Devonshire, England
Married: 02 NOV 1646 (3)
Died: 09 OCT 1683
    Wife: Mary Bliss
    Born: 1620 in England
Died: 1712
Father: Thomas Bliss
Mother: Margarat Lawrence
01   (M): Joseph Parsons
Born: 01 NOV 1647 in Springfield, MA (1)
Died: NOV 1729 in Northampton, MA (2)
Spouses: Elizabeth Strong

Additional Information

Joseph Parsons:
"He was known as Cornet Joseph, from the military title which he, in later years, bore; the Cornet being the color-bearer and third in command in a British troop or regiment of cavalry."
Immigration: about 1635
One source says he "came over with William Pynchon, the leader of th eSpringfield colonists, who was one of the patentees of the grant by the Crown to the Massachusetts Bay Company, and a fellow passenger with Winthrop, who came over in 1630."
Milit-Beg: 1672, Seved in French and Indian wars
1672-1678 "he was a Cornet of the Hamshire Troop, commanded by Capt. John Pynchon, the first troop of horse formed in Western Massachusetts, and in 1679, he was a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, the first regularly organized military company in America."

Mary Bliss:
Name: Mary Parsons


  1. Henry Parsons, A. M., Parsons family: descendants of Cornet Joseph Parsons, Springfield 1636 - Northampton, 1655 (Frank Allaben Genealogical Company, New York, 1912).
  2. Ibid.
  3. Ibid.

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Revised: January 29, 2009